Hover your mouse over an alignment to see its effect on Earth ~M6+ seismicity as an INCREASE-PEAK-DECREASE pattern in M6.2+ magnitudes. Alignments to Mars do not appear to affect Earth seismicity.
The peak-magnitude in each distinct M5.7+ magnification episode/jolt marked by omitting of trending arrows. Each M6.2+ magnitude marked red, except in proximal alignments.
A proximal (marked with an *) alignment occurs when bodies are non-strictly aligned (never align themselves or do on occasion, staying within 5° window), so frequent updates and unusual patterns can be expected.
Note: A "~" means ±5% so M5.7-6.2 quakes, obviously useful as oscillation magnification's trending/jolting indicators, are also used for pattern enhancement at ends to show pattern is excited state.
M6.2+ seismicity mostly occurs at the alignment onset so forecast can change once alignment begins. For plots see our Pinterest. For 100%-successful 2011-2014 test-phase see archives.
*Important points about scientific seismic anti-forecasting:
• Based on Omerbashich pattern of increase―peak―decrease in M6.2+ seismicity strength as Earth aligns with two celestial bodies for 3+ days
• The discovery confirmed a previously unproven feeling by Alfred Wegener that the cause of geoseismicity lies outside the Earth!
• The increase begins typically at the onset of the alignment that obviously can occur only within the Solar system's "plane"
• As two such alignments begin simultaneously - the M7+ seismicity gets set off on Earth (except for its polar zones)
• A very long alignment (lasting for 2+ weeks) also sets off the M7+ seismicity (except for the polar zones)
• Why ~ M6 cut-off? M6+ quakes account for ~2/3 of quakes-energy, faithfully representing Earth
• All existing instrumented seismic records (since the 1890s) exhibit the same pattern
• The above applies to seismotectonics of all celestial bodies alike.
• "Anti-forecast" is a term coined in 1998 by Ruth Harris (USGS) for stating of the unlikelihood for strong earthquakes to occur, as opposed to a direct forecast - for stating a likelihood.
A PICTURE IS WORTH A THOUSAND WORDS: an example of the pattern discovered in occurrences of M6.3+ earthquakes' strength: always increasing―peaking―decreasing during an astronomical alignment(s) between the Earth and two other celestial objects within our Solar system's "plane" that last for 3+ days - the mantle response-time (to forced oscillation) for forming the pattern.
Click the above image for the scientific background of this discovery. For a complete continuous set of plots, see our Pinterest collection.
A seismic anti-forecast that tells when for sure there won't be any catastrophic earthquakes anywhere on Earth
is much more a "dream come true" for financial (insurance* primarily) industry, than a forecast which pinpoints
(when and where) such a disaster will strike. Here's an incomplete list of some of our regular visitors since 2011:
*Any risks or damages from investing based on information found on Seismo Info are the sole responsibility of the investor. Organizations can contact us for assistance.
As challenged by this Swedish radio show's guest in August 2011, an M6.6 earthquake did hit precisely on 22 Nov 2011 as due to an alignment —
as predicted by the Hyperresonance Unifying Theory (HUT). This confirmed predictive power of the HUT, its special case (the georesonator) in particular.